Sep 13, 2009

Post #4: Personal Statement

I am a person who is responsible and trustworthy.

My parents are the first and most important people who directed me to become such a person. When I was very young, my parents told me that other people would respect you if you were responsible and trustworthy, and they set a good example for me with their own conduct. Not like some other parents that make empty promises just in order to coax and comfort their children, my parents always keep their word to me, they never say something that they cannot do. I believe that this is also one reason that I respect them so much and we have such a good relationship with each other. Moreover, my parents encouraged me to be a responsible person through daily life when I was a kid. For instance, they told me to throw garbage into the trash bin as being a member of society I should responsible for the environment. They also encouraged me to take responsibilities to admit any mistakes I made and to try my best to fix it.

Due to these two characteristics, both the teachers and the classmates trusted me, and I successfully became a squad leader from primary school to high school. I felt very proud that on the reelection campaign of squad leader in the secondary school, I passed by unanimous vote. The experience of being squad leader for 11 years further developed these two characters in me.

As an adult now, being responsible and keeping my word become the cardinal principle of my life.

P.S. Edited


  1. Hey Rachel,
    Good to hear that your parents were fine examples to you as you were growing up. Personally, whenever I do hear or read of such instances, a part of me does get somewhat envious. haha, but a good sharing nonetheless.


  2. Hello Rachel,

    I like the way you wrote your personal statement, it feels to me that you're very sincere and honest. Also, it is interesting the way you mentioned how huge a role your parents play in your life :)

    A minor language problem:
    1) "I am a person that is responsible and trustworthy."
    It should be "who" instead of "that".

    Other than that, your personal statement is clear and complete :)


  3. Hi Rachel,
    It is nice to hear that your parents were your role models since young :) That is awesome. And yes, I also believe that responsibility is a trait that can be taught and cultivated since young. You have given good examples too show that you are responsible. However, I believe that can actually give some more concrete examples. For instance, maybe there was once when you did something wrong and your parents encouraged you to be responsible for it? Maybe something which has got more impact rather than throwing garbage into the bin. Don't get me wrong. I thought it's very good just that it could be improved in this perspective? That's what I thought.
    I enjoyed reading your personal statement.


  4. Thank you, Rachel, for this heart-felt statement. It's well focused, clear and sincere.

    There are a few language issues:

    1) I am a person that is.... > I am a person WHO is... (as Michelle wrote)

    2) being part of the society... > as being A MEMBER of society

    3) encouraged me taking responsibilities > encouraged me to take responsibilities

    4) ...both the teachers and the classmates trust me, and I successfully become a squad leader from primary school to high school. > verb tense?

    5) ...built these two characters in me. >
    ...developed these two characteristics in me.

    I appreciate your effort.

  5. Hello Rachel,

    I think your post is very sincere and clear. I totally agree that every kid is a reflection of their parents. In today's society, it is often socially acceptable to make white lies and exaggerate truths, so i admire how you have set yourself apart from all these common temptations. Truely a good role model for peers around you! (:


  6. After this course,I find I know you more and you indeed showed responsiblity.I learnt it from you!

    I think your parents did a great role model for you and it is really important for kids to grow up. Promises don't come easy,but once said it,make it!
    I enjoyed reading you personal statement!
