Aug 22, 2009

Post #1: Effective Communication Skills

As the old cliché goes, "no man is an island." This means that we need to communicate with other people, and I am no exception. In daily life, I need to communicate with my parents and friends, and as an undergraduate student, I also need to communicate with my lecturers, tutors, and classmates. Therefore, effective communication skills are definitely very important for me.

First of all, good relationships with family members and friends require effective communication skills. For instance, I call my parents every week to share the recent developments of each other, and sometimes we have video chat. The supports from them make me to have the strength and courage to overcome difficulties and challenges. Similarly, good communication between friends makes our friendship to last long.

At the same time, effective communication skills can also help me to learn better. For example, during classes, active listening enables me to understand what the lecturers are talking about, and what the key points are. Another example is group projects which require several people to work together. Hence, how to communicate with the group mates becomes crucial in this case, as I can never do a good job only by myself. I always need to discuss and cooperate with my group mates, and sometimes I also need to consult lecturers and tutors on the projects. Obviously, effective communication skills can improve the team’s productiveness, so that a good project can be achieved.

In a nutshell, effective communication skills are essential in the daily life. Hence, I hope that I can improve my communication skills through this course.


  1. Dear Rachel,

    I will respond to your post after you receive feedback from classmates. In the meantime, could you go into your settings and change the language to English.

    Thank you!

  2. Hello Rachel,
    I am sure all of us are going to benefit from this class. However, I feel that how much we will benefit depends on how we apply the skills we learned. To me, it is just like learning the subject Mathematics, the more we practice, the better we get. So to improve the way we communicate, I guess we just have to communicate effectively as much as we could. Like you said, effective communication skills are essential in our daily life. No man is an island indeed. :)

  3. I agree with Michelle that we can equip ourselves with effective communication skills by practizing.Yes,just like what we do in Calculus.It only depends on whether you want to or not to study this subject.If you put your effort,everyone would see the result.And meanwhile,we are the actual and direct benefiter from effective communications.So why hesitate?Wish we all master the effective communication skills thru this course.(=

  4. Dear Rachel,

    This is a well organized response to the assignment. You present your ideas well, covering what appears to be the main requirements that you have.

    As I read through this, I realized that, being from China, you have done an amazing job with your English language skills to date. At the same time, since your goals are so high, you need to further refine your fluency.

    We will work on that. For the time being, let me mention that these two sentences have some problems:

    1) As the old cliché: no man is an island, which means that we need to communicate with other people now and then, I am no exception.

    2) I always need to discuss and corporate with my group mates....

    Do you see the problems?

    Thanks for your great effort!
